Video I made for a class at Brandcenter.
Behind the Foley of Foley Follies
UCI World Championship RVA 2015
eHarmony :30 CAT VCU Brandcenter
1. Triangle Corporate Battle of the Bands. American Tobacco Campus in Durham, NC. September 2014.
2. "The Last Five Years" opening night performance. Arts Center in Carrboro, NC. January 2015.
3. Entrance to Battle Park facing Cobb and the Center for Dramatic Arts.
4. Triangle Corporate Battle of the Bands. American Tobacco Campus.
5. Sunrise view from porch after a snowy night. Chapel Hill, NC.
6. Driving to Charlotte, NC in Rhonda the Honda.
7. Sunset over Franklin Street. Chapel Hill, NC.
8. "Little Shop of Horrors" tech rehearsal. Historic Playmakers Theater. Chapel Hill, NC.
9. "Little Shop of Horrors" performance. October 2014 in Historic Playmakers Theater. Chapel Hill, NC.
10. Banjo the Hamster in my shirt pocket.
11. Turkish Gold Standard performance at The Cave in Chapel Hill.
12. Skiing in West Virginia December 2014. Not much snow.
13. Music rehearsal for "The Drowsy Chaperone" in the Kenan Music building in Chapel Hill.
14. Tech weekend for "Terminus" at Arts Center in Carrboro, NC. March 2015.
15. Driving back up to Chapel Hill in Rhonda the Honda.
16. Sunset over Franklin Street after a snowstorm. February 2015.
USNA summer 3.0