100 Reasons
100 Reasons to keep Trump a one term President
It is impossible to keep up with the daily barrage of BS that comes from Donald Trump. And it’s easy to lose track of all the terrible things he’s done, said and tweeted. Most people tune him out. And I don’t blame them. But every day the pile grows taller and taller. I thought it was important to convey, in some way, the depth of abhorrent behavior this man has exhibited. And this was my attempt at that. 100 days out from November 3rd I started sharing one graphic per day. As I come to the end of this project I am exhausted but hopeful. Please keep in mind this is not a comprehensive accounting of everything terrible this man has done by any means. Nor are the days ranked in any order. It certainly wasn’t difficult researching for this project but what was challenging was narrowing the reasons down to 100.
Here is an imgur album with all 100 posts.
To make the pile of BS a bit easier to digest… I set it to music. Enjoy!

GIF countdown

GIF countdown

GIF countdown

GIF countdown

GIF countdown

GIF countdown