Is swearing less something you want to have a go at?
Bad habits are hard to break. A habit such as swearing can become impulsive and habit
forming quickly, often encouraged further when stressed or within a pro-swear environment.
While we’d like to all live up to the pristine image of ourselves that our mothers and grandmothers
hold in their head, often times we find a f**k or sh*t spilling out of our mouths without thought.
How can we combat one bad habit (swearing) while also encouraging positive behavior,
and even…dare we say it, learning??
The path to swearing less is best navigated with a companion.
Introducing Fucking Swear Less!
FSL is like a swear jar that follows you around. Instead of costing you quarters,
the service snitches on you to anyone selected within your phone's contacts.
Conveniently located in your pocket or purse, this app is always keeping an
open ear to save you, and your dirty mouth, from yourself.
Track the number of obscenities you’ve spouted, and scale the severity for the curse words FSL picks up on.
Say no evil. Text no evil. Allow FSL to access you phone's keyboard to provide wholesome alternatives when expressing your...emotions.
Be the talk of the town when you begin speaking with true poise. Cut out those curse words, as FSL provides you with The Word of the Day to broaden your vocabulary.
Grandma can't always be around to provide a slap on the wrist or a disapproving glance. When you do swear, users set FSL to notify a selected person within your contacts. Possibly your mother or grandmother, someone where the guilt of having sworn will weigh slightly too heavy to bare.
“Well I never!”
Design! Aesthetic!
Oh, the American 1950’s. What a marvelous time to have been alive. Classic. Golden. Graceful. Grace Kelly-ful. The aim within FSL was to bring to life the era when words were celebrated, sung, and jitterbugged to. Talk was clean and swears were whispered. Good, clean words, with none of the dirty filth filling the airwaves today. By transporting FSL users to a period of vintage beauty, the hope is that they become more choice with their words.
FSL hopes to help you be on your best behavior, but by no means will it let you get off easy. As punishment when your mouth decides to be in a particularly foul mood (more than 10 swears a day), the service will automatically send a loved one of your choice FSL brand soap. FSL leaves it to their discretion to accept the soap as a gift, or wash out that mouth of yours the first instance they get.
Through your iTunes account, FSL will bill you the cost for soap and shipping automatically…hoping that you think twice before letting out a wild slew of “f**k s**t” from that dirty mouth.
Marketing! Promotions!
Outdoor advertising will continue the FSL aesthetic, making your walk or commute as pleasant as an ole walk around the neighborhood.
The most cherished details of FSL, such as suggesting new vocabulary words in lieu something foul, will promote the app as flat out educational good fun.
Andrew Jones - AD, Ken Tsuchiya - AD
This fucking app is for a class assignment, and is sure as hell not a functional service at this goddamn time.